Differential Equations

Math 333

Course Description: Differential equations arise naturally to model dynamical systems such as those that occur in physics, biology, and economics. Differential Equations have given major impetus to other fields in mathematics, such as topology and the theory of chaos. This course covers basic analytic, numerical, and qualitative methods for the solution and understanding of ordinary differential equations. Computer-based technology will be used. Prerequisite: Math 224

Instructor:  Carol S. Schumacher

Text:  Differential Equations, 4th Edition by Paul Blanchard, Robert L. Devaney, and Glen R. Hall.

Note: Students will need access to DEtools, the software package that supports the text. This can be done either by buying a new text (which comes with an access code) or by buying a used text and then buying the code for the software directly from the publisher.

Course Procedures


Test Dates

Powerpoint Presentations

If you have any questions, please ask. 

Email me at schumacherc@kenyon.edu or see me during my

Office Hours

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